3. First impression

We can say that the visual message is an important aspect of communication and helps to build relations. It is directed at 38% per cent of the recipients whose dominant communication channel is the visual channel. Hence the important role of the so called “good first impression”, the subjective reception of which is difficult to change.

Knowing that, we can use it as means of communication for building positive relations and creating a positive image consciously. The power of the first impression is very strong. It takes only a few seconds for our partner to form an impression, which is very easy to get and difficult to reverse. It is because the first impression can be made only once. That is why it is crucial to take care of the appearance and make a positive impression on the recipient.

Psychologists claim that 93% of the way we are seen is what we look like and how we speak – the language and diction. It is hard to ignore the fact that our presence (appearance) determines our achievements to a great extent. Using a proper style, we can make people perceive us as more competent, younger, more attractive, honest, energetic, etc.

In a way, we can manipulate the impression others get or even become somebody completely different by changing our image. The appearance is a very important channel of communication. Celebrities and politicians know it best.

Katarzyna Aleksandra Danowska

Katarzyna Aleksandra Danowska

Strategy and Creation Director

graduate of the University of Łódź, Law and Administration Department,

expert on business dress code in theory and practice,

recognizable fashion designer, awarded many titles including “Designer of the Year” or “Fashion Perfection”,

experienced in running business wear projects for recognizable clients and international corporations,

author of many articles and numerous trainings on business image,

Slow Fashion lover dedicated to ecology in fashion business.

Table of Contents
1. Admission

“ Appearance is  80% of success”   Woody Allen 

We would like to introduce  the visitors of this site  to definitions connected with dress code and image in business as well as their meaning in marketing. czytaj dalej

2. Image

The visual message plays an important role in building the image. It appeals to emotions and subconscious associations. Nowadays we are observing a constant increase of the role of image in social communication. The so called “visual path” is very important for creating our image. „Fine feathers make fine birds” czytaj dalej

3. First impression

We can say that the visual message is an important aspect of communication and helps to build relations. It is directed at 38% per cent of the recipients whose dominant communication channel is the visual channel. Hence the important role of the so called “good first impression”, the subjective reception of which is difficult to change. czytaj dalej

4. Dress code

Clothes were always an element of people’s appearance and played an important social role as a message clear for everybody. It was not only a protection from cold and something to cover nudity. It was mainly a way of expressing oneself and emphasising the position in social hierarchy. czytaj dalej